DIY: Tiny 2D Cupcakes

All the information below is protected by the Creative Commons license.
This article by Angeli Sobrepena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
How to make tiny cupcakes out of polymer clay
Part of the polymer clay series, a Handmade Pilipinas post
Want to try polymer clay? Here's a simple tutorial I prepared, perfect for beginners. Turn these into scrapbook embellishments, or tiny post earrings, or whatnot. Don't forget to send me a link to your finished projects when you're done! If you are interested in learning more advance projects, join my workshops!

- A pinch of clay for the cupcake base
- A pinch of clay for the frosting
- Wee little dots of clay for the sprinkles
- X-acto knife or any other craft knife
Before starting, make sure your hands and work area is clean. Don't forget to knead/condition the clay!

All the information above is protected by the Creative Commons license.
This article by Angeli Sobrepena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Katja (The Netherlands, Europe)